i) Building & Equipments Grant maximum of Rs.15 Lacs for construction of building,Rs.2.50 Lacs for equipments ii)Development of Buddist/Tibetan Culture & Art a) Maintenance/Research projects Rs.1 Lac p.a b)Repairs,restoration,renovation of ancient Rs.1.50 Lac p.a. c)Award of Felloships/Scholrships/Holding of Rs.1.25 lAC p.a. d)Purchase of books,documentation,cataloguing Rs.1.25 Lac p.a. e) Financial Assistance may also be given of Rs.5 Lacs p.a. for construction of Hostel Building f) Salary of teachers where organisation is running a school for imparting monastic education Rs.7 Lacs p.a. iii)Reservation & Development of the Culture Heritage of the Himalayas Grant- Rs.5 Lacs iv) Promotion & Dissemination of Tribal/Folk Art& Cultural Grant- Rs.2 Lacs v)Promotion & Srengthening of Regional & Local Museums vi)Research support to Voluntary Organization,engaged in cultural activities i.e. Literary,Visual& engaged in cultural activities i.e. Literary,Visual & Performing Arts Grant maximum of -Rs 1 Lac. vii)Seting up of multipurpose complexes including those for children grant upto- Rs.1 Crore. viii)Development of Maintenance of National Memorials Grant maximum- Rs.5 Lacs ix) Centenaries/Anniversaries a) Grants not exceeding Rs 1 Lac to NGO for apporopriate programmes under the scheme b) Grants not exceeding Rs.40000/- in case of anniversary celebration of JubileeYears i.e. 125th, 150th,175th & so on. |