Initially while thanking to those institutions, Organizations and the individuals who have shown their faith in human rights and stanchly stood for the sufferings of Tibetans, we the International Human Rights Association express our deepest shock and Condemnation over the brutal treatment to Tibetans and for crushing of their human rights.
We are, indeed, proud of voices calling for justice for humiliated Tibetans and with full sympathy we firmly stand by them to see that the human rights are well guarded from brutal encroachment in all places and at all time. In fact the peace loving Tibetans’ genuine demand to survive respectfully in their own way cannot be overlooked.
While on the Subject we would like to recall the resolution passed in America wherein it was categorically told that by nature all the human beings are equally free and they have some fundamental rights. So in view of this all the sovereign Authorities of the global should take it as guiding factor, we feel. Why do International human Rights Association have a Sympathetic view on the issue? It is gathered from all the corners that Tibetans are debarred from their fundamental rights which are bestowed upon them, they being human beings as all we are.
Free expression of view is fundamental rights but it is met with brutal torture. So who does say that Tibetan’s are enjoying human rights ? Can’t one carry with him (or posses) a photograph of his beloved respectable person?. But detaining the innocent monks for possessing a photo of their beloved “His Holiness Dalai Lama”, is this not a straight way encroachment on the human rights ? Since the doors are, reportedly, closed for independent media, brutal action and suffering of innocent Tibetans seem to have been locked behind the iron curtain.
We strongly condemn, the unlawful sentencing of Ronggye A’ drak with three other, because of their freedom of expression which is in no way violation of any constitutional law of the country. This type of encroachment on human rights must not be tolerated and hue and cry should be raised in the interest of human rights. We from the core of our hearts urged not to give any political pigment to our version because we have had no intention to interfere any political area.
We do come into picture where we see that genuine human rights are denied to the human beings for no fault. Looking into the gravity of situation it has become imperative to sort out the burning problem amicably with peaceful solution. All the peace loving people want the same and we are proud of joining the global chorus of voice calling for justice and peaceful negotiation in Tibet because we strongly believe in “LIVE AND LET LIVE RESPECTFULLY”.